Friday, April 28, 2023

Dear 1036: Spiritual Elements

Dearly Beloved 1036 Clarence,

April 28 is a special day, the anniversary of my baptism.

While it happened before I came to live in you, that sacramental encounter with God gave way to the faith experiences I shared with my family in you.

Certainly there were festive celebrations for religious holidays.  And then there were those other experiences embedded into daily life, like as we gathered around the table for a meal, and began it with a prayer.

In baptism, the candle serves an important role, reminding us of the light of Christ.  I'm sure that's a large part of the reason why I liked having a lit candle at dinner.  Mom started the custom when I was a child, and it's a fond memory I have of the dinner table.

And the light of that memory continues to linger and won't fade into the shadows anytime soon as it continues to reveal a sense of God we shared in our home together.

All my relations,
God's blessings,

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

April Media Milestones

When I went to see my Dad back on April 5, I found him seated on the floor of the house where we lived for decades as a family.  Even without Internet service, he managed to pick up an Xfinity hotspot and was watching WGN's TV special on its 75th anniversary.

I wasn't aware of the occasion, so I lingered for a few minutes to watch some of it, and then caught the ending later.

I mostly regard WGN for its news programming and its slogan "Chicago's Very Own", which connects well with the acronym for the World's Greatest Newspaper, which I understand refers to The Chicago Tribune.  It has certainly expanded its news program offerings to cover much of the daily TV schedule on its station.  And the station is certainly unique in having Superstation status, so that people can watch it throughout the United States and even in Canada.  When ABC 7 ceased hosting live TV coverage of the Chicago Thanksgiving Day parade, it was fitting that WGN would take over airing the coverage.  And it also aptly provided coverage of Cubs games for years.

With lots of time for its newscasts, there are many great segments included, like the ones that feature preparing various types of food.  And then there are the weather segments, the one aspect of WGN that resonates most with me as a meteorology fan especially those with Tom Skilling, who has distinguished himself as the nation's premier TV meteorologist in his role for over 4 decades.  He clearly enjoys what he does, and he takes advantage of the hourlong newscasts to go in-depth with his weather segment, especially in taking the big picture of the weather throughout the continent and drawing from Frank Wachowski's statistics.

Indeed, WGN has distinguished itself in so many ways over the 75 years, and has a lot going for it to continue its robust offerings.

Later this month was an important milestone for the EWTN family: April 20, 2023, was 100 years after the birth of its foundress, Mother Angelica.  I read her story once, and it's amazing how adamant she was in wanting to remove her media coverage from a station that intended to air obscene content.  She took so many risks, and it has borne great fruit in the vast offerings of EWTN today.  I've watched some of its programming, which has so much great spiritual content.  The talk programs are great for expounding on spiritual themes.  The news coverage is excellent in offering a faith-based perspective on current events, which I greatly appreciate.

The next day, April 21, marked the 20th anniversary of the Relevant Radio program Morning Air.  I'm often not up early enough to listen to it live, except for a handful of instances, like when Dad was driving me back after I dropped Avila off for an oil change at Mike and Sons in Berwyn.  There is so much good spiritual content that provides new insights on faith and how we can live it fully.  The program features regular contributors, each on certain days of the week, like Father Burke Masters on Monday mornings, the pastor of a Hinsdale parish and the Cubs chaplain.  And John Morales, the current host, has such a nice, folksy manner that enhances the special touch of the program.

Indeed, these different media outlets have so much celebrate on their respective milestones because of how they offer quality content to their audiences with a great sense of purpose.