Life has many different stages, and as one leads to another, there is purpose in each.
That idea was woven through the National Catholic Singles Conference. I had heard of this conference in recent years, and I thought it was a great idea. When I learned it would be near Detroit, MI, I felt it was close enough to make it the right time to attend.
So right around 11 AM CDT on Friday, August 25, 2023, I got in Avila and headed east. (Please note that all times from here forward in this post are EDT, unless otherwise noted.)
After getting through a long back-up on I-80/94 from Cook County to Lake County, IN, it was smooth sailing into Michigan. Around 3 PM, I stopped at a Culver's in Stevensville, MI.
I arrived in Plymouth, MI, between 5:30-6:00, at the Hilton Garden Inn. After touching base with one of my hotel roommates, I got my room key card, got my luggage in, and switched to conference-style clothing, before driving about 1 mile/5 minutes to the conference venue, St. John's Resort.
In the main conference room |
Main entrance of St. John's Resort in Plymouth, MI |
(Please note, as always, that all photos in this post are mine unless otherwise stated.)
I was there in time for the opening session at 7 PM. While I had picked a certain spot to sit, where were all directed to get up and move to an area of the room based on the color of a sticker on our badges. Later, I heard from someone that the colors corresponded to age group. We then got into groups to get to know each other with a discussion about what our passions are and how we could form communities around these passions. (There was actually quite a range in ages at this conference, from those closer to my age, and those in their 40's and 50's. I even met a woman in her 60's.)
At 8 PM was our first speaker, Steve PoKorney, who is in the photo directly below. He shared a little bit about his struggles with sexual purity, and encouraged us in the way of love, noting that we can't give what we don't have. In that light, he encouraged us to seek healing for our wounds, and focus on the truth of how God sees us, because we were created to be loved. Toward the end of his talk, he offered us some pointers to grow in relationship with God and others.
Following the talk, the adoration chapel and reconciliation room were available, and there was a heavy appetizer/light dinner reception. We were in a room that had a glass ceiling, which I'm sure looked splendid in the daylight. It was nice mingling with other conference attendees, who came from a wide geographic area from California to Manhattan, and enjoying good food like fajitas and the dessert table--please see photo below.
The dessert table |
And then I headed back to my hotel room to settle down and go asleep.
The next day, August 26, I went downstairs for the hotel's breakfast, which was a fine buffet with cereal, fruit, bagels, and hot items like bacon. Fortunately, as part of staying at the other conference-designated hotel, breakfast was included.
I was over at St. John's Resort right around 8:15 AM for Morning Prayer. A fellow attendee, Jenna, had reached out to a few days prior and asked if I wanted to help lead Morning Prayer, and I gladly agreed.
Once we finished, it was time for the first speaker of the day. J.P. DeGance discussed the findings of a study on religious practice as it correlates with marriage and family life. Following a break, we had a multi-part presentation with different vocation stories. Two married couples shared about how they met and got married: For Ary and Ray, it happened when they were both in their 40s. The other couple, Cass and Dom, married very recently in their 20s. And Dawn Hausmann, who works for the Diocese of Lansing, shared about how she devoted her life to single celibacy through a formal church ritual.
Following that presentation, we had Mass in the splendid Chapel, celebrated by Bishop Earl Boyea of the Diocese of Lansing. While I don't remember the specifics of how he did it, in his homily, he drew out of the readings the idea that we should open ourselves up to how God is all around us. In the Gospel reading, Jesus says that we should only call God in Heaven our Father, rather than religious leaders, so we can be aware of how God is present all around us, especially in those who are in need, like we see in the story of Ruth.
Bishop Boyea is standing in the green vestments toward the right of the altar. |
Then it was time for lunch. We sat according to home state, or home province for the Canadians present. (The numerous attendees from Michigan and Ohio had their own room.) I went to a splendid room with lots of windows surrounded by gardens. I felt it was appropriate to sit at table #18, one of three tables for Illinois residents, since Illinois became a state in 1818. It was a nice time getting to know the other Illinois residents at my table, who were all from Chicagoland. Lunch was a buffet with options like pasta with vegetables, chicken, salad, and a wide variety of desserts.
Lunch entree and salad |
For another hour or so, we had free time to browse the exhibits and the grounds of the resort. I also went to spend some time praying in the adoration chapel. Then we were back in the main conference room for a presentation with Margaret Vasquez. Although she was unable to come, she recorded her presentation. She talked about our basic human need for connection, and how God exposes His heart to us so we can expose our hearts to Him and truly behold how much He loves us and can bring us His healing touch. Her talk gave way to an adoration prayer service, where we prayed before the Blessed Sacrament while music played in the background.
When the adoration prayer time concluded, the conference sessions proper had ended for the day. I returned to the hotel, for a bit, and while there, enjoyed the pool.
Around 7 PM, I got in Avila and drove to downtown Plymouth, a splendid area, and met up with Sarah, a friend from college, along with her husband Chris, and we three had dinner together at Pizza. I got a pepperoni personal-sized pizza. It was a great time catching up with Sarah and getting to know Chris, and we were at it for a while. Around 9 PM, we parted ways and I returned to the hotel.
Above is downtown Plymouth in the evening daylight and below is downtown Plymouth lit up at night. |
The next morning, I was up between 7 and 8 AM. Between 8-8:30, I enjoyed the hotel's fine breakfast once again. And then, with everything of mine loaded into Avila, I went to St. John's Resort for the conclusion of the conference. First, I attended Morning Prayer again. Immediately following was our final speaker, Peter Burak. He gave such a fitting talk for the final part of the conference. He focused on how we've all received the universal call to holiness, and with it comes a mission, which connects with the universal vocation everyone has to love. Mission starts with identity, demands risk, and is guided by the Holy Spirit, the great agent of evangelization.
Following a short break at 11:30, we had Mass to conclude the conference. The 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time is significant because that's when I first attended Mass at St. Teresa's. The celebrant priest in his homily drew out of the readings the idea of an interior dialogue in the heart. Jesus draws St. Peter to Himself and transforms him, just as He does for all of us, as He seeks to accompany us through life so that we can live with purpose. And, as I see it, we find purpose grounded in the confession of faith which is the foundation of the Church.
Anastasia Northrop, the NCSC director, is standing at the podium addressing the gathering. |
The altar in the main conference before Mass started |
The beginning of the third verse of "Be Thou my Vision", which I believe was sung as the altar was being prepared for the Communion rite |
Mass finished by 1 PM. After getting myself suited up for the drive back, I connected with two people who had asked me for a ride to the Detroit airport. We made a quick stop at Busch's Fresh Food Market where I got a turkey sandwich for lunch. By 2:30, I had arrived at the airport and saw them off for their respective flights. Then I got on I-94, which would be my route for the vast majority of the drive back home.
I made a quick stop about half an hour away to get a fruity drink and a strawberry-frosted cream doughnut from Tim Horton's which feels exotic because the company is based in Canada.
Between 4:30 and 5:00, I pulled off I-94 at Portage and stopped at the home of my cousins of the Steinsdoerfer family, who were enjoying the last day of summer vacation before the new school year started the following day. After talking with them for a few minutes, they eventually invited me to stay for dinner, and I gladly accepted. They made steak meat with sweet potato fries cooked in an air fryer and the lime banana bread I brought them as a gift. It was such a wonderful time in their company and experience family life after having thought so much about my own vocation and purpose in life.
I got to meet the Steinsdoerfer family dog, Wrenly, for the first time. |
My dinner, with steak meat, sweet potatoes from the air fryer, and a piece of the sweet bread I brought. |
The Steinsdoerfer home as the day starts drawing to a close, with the soccer goal set up in the yard, with which I assisted. |
I departed around 7:00 PM EDT. After one more stop for gas, it was straight onward to Oak Park, where I arrived around 8:30 PM CDT. I went to get some Gina's Italian Ice to cap off a fine late summer evening before returning to homebase.
When I first heard of the NCSC, I thought it was a fantastic idea, to attend presentations and events that help us find purpose in single life. This conference definitely met my expectations. Furthermore, it was a very uplifting experience. Faith is already such an important part of my life, and my experience on this weekend did more to edify me in it. I enjoyed the opportunity to be in an atmosphere with other like-minded people who share my appreciation for the role of faith in life, and we could be bound by that, besides just the reality of how we're all single. I met so many wonderful people at the sessions, during meals, and during breaks. The speakers all had great insights to share that speak to how we can all live with purpose. I would definitely recommend this conference for any single Roman Catholic, including those who are later in life who haven't yet gotten married, because there's a purpose for all of us.
There's a shift in the church to reinvigorate through the idea of mission as a way to reengage the faithful. Indeed, mission has given me a strong sense of purpose, which I encountered especially during my college years, and I've spent the past 10 years living it out. This conference offered me a renewal to continue on the path and enrich myself spiritually. Faith is a great gift given to me, and I'm called to live purposefully as I put it into action as God's mission for me in life, to offer as a blessing to others what He has given to me.
It's fitting that there was an image of Pope St. John Paul II on the conference stage in the main room throughout the weekend. His Theology of the Body certainly has lots to say about how God's love is revealed in married life. But even more, love is the universal vocation of everyone, in every stage of life. God has created us in His image, and since He is love, we are called to reveal God by loving others. As a single person, I see that as such a rich purpose that can enliven my life now and invigorate me for whatever the years ahead bring.
During a break, a fellow attendee photographed me posing by the stage in the main conference room. Above is a close-up of me with Pope St. John Paul II. |