Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Dear 1036: World Travels at the Computer

Dearly Beloved 1036 Clarence,

I got intensely interested in geography when I was in 2nd grade, in large part thanks to Mrs. LoCoco.

Sometime around then, when I became aware of the computer game Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? I knew I wanted it.

Mom and Dad found it at a store, the last copy on the shelf, and it was my Christmas gift.  I was so delighted that I stayed in my pajamas for a while as I got it installed on the computer and began playing.

It was amazing to travel all over the world in the computer game seeking to solve the theft crimes and learning about the various countries along the way, including some language skills.  It was a great gift that helped me appreciate the world at large from sitting at the computer.

And I'm sure that was a contributing factor to my success in the National Geographic Bee in 2005, when I placed in the top 20 in Illinois.

I'm glad that I recently found the background soundtrack music on YouTube for all the countries in the game as a way to reconnect with a great part of my childhood.

My heart is filled with gladness in the ways I reconnect and stay connected with you, for you shall not fade into the background but remain deep in my heart as that dearly beloved place:
All my relations.

With great gratitude and thanksgiving to God.

With immense joy,

God's blessings,

Monday, January 6, 2025

Gifts 2024/2025: Reflecting in the Spirit of the Magi

The Christmas Season is a wonderful time to celebrate the great gift of God's Son for the salvation of the world.

Exchanging gifts is a meaningful way to remember and symbolize that gift, as did the Magi when they visited Christ as a child.

As is my custom, inspired by Father Larry McNally, former pastor of Ascension Parish, I reflect on gifts I gave and received with the Magi's gift as a guide.

Gifts I Gave
I stopped at Alpine Subs in Elmwood Park for lunch, and I saw some apricot-raspberry cookies for sale.  I thought the package would make a great gift for my Abuela.

My Mom enjoys the movie Chariots of Fire, and I knew that would be a fitting gift for her, especially in light of 2024 as the 100th anniversary of when Eric Liddell participated in teh 1924 Paris SUmmer Olympics, which is the focus of the movie.

While shopping at Harris Teeter, I found a package of snack mixes in small packages and I offered those as a gift to Dad.

Gifts I Received
It was a true treat that my brother gave my parents and me complimentary tickets to A Candlelight Chorus concert hosted by The Washington Chorus.

One of my students gave me a treat package that included a mug, hot chocolate, and other sweet treats

My parents gave me a collection of kitchen items and utensils that I knew would be useful, including spoon rests.

Glory to God for His great gift in sending us the Son, Jesus Christ, Who brings us light, life, and joy.

20 + C + M + B + 25

Sunday, January 5, 2025

The Creed: 20 Years Ago

At every Sunday Mass, we recite the Nicene Creed.  As part of preparing to complete my initiation into the Catholic Church, it was only fitting that I would spend time studying this statement of faith.

It was the subject of the monthly Confirmation meeting 20 years ago this evening.

There was great value in studying these words we recite as a community at Mass.  The history of it offers so much context.

Many questions arose in the early Church about Who Christ is.  The Council at Nicaea in 325 helped answer those questions definitively.  We realize that God is our Father, and Jesus Christ is the Son Who made God known to us through His actions on Earth, especially the Paschal Mystery.  The Holy Spirit continues to sustain that work in us, bringing us alive as the Church.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Grapes of Anticipation 2025

Happy New Year 2025!

With another blank slate before us, my thoughts turn to what I anticipate for this brand-new year.

In accordance with the Spanish custom of 12 grapes at the changing of the year, I look ahead:

1. The Jubilee Year has already formally started.  Since I wasn't fully aware of what was happening back in the Jubilee of 2000, I'm eager to open myself to what this Jubilee will offer spiritually.

2. During this Jubilee Year is scheduled the canonization of Carlo Acutis.  His life resonates with me, with his devotion to the Eucharist and sharing it with others.  He was also born a few weeks after I was.

3. As a follow-up to the National Eucharist Congress, a Eucharistic pilgrimage is scheduled to travel from Indianapolis to Los Angeles, and I'm eager to follow it.

4. With the wonderful start, I look forward to what is to come during Holy Name Cathedral's 175th anniversary year.

5. This month will launch new terms of office for federal officials, and since there's more for us to do as citizens than voting in elections, I look toward how I can continue to participate as a citizen in the process of the government.

6. On the heels of the presidential election, there are local elections on April 1, and I look forward to participating.

7. I have some travel plans in mind for this year, including Washington, D.C., as has become a typical annual custom.  I hope to even visit California as it marks its 175th anniversary of statehood this year.

8. I heard that my cousin Samarra in Mexico is getting married in April, and I look forward to celebrating in my own way.

9. There are several family milestone birthdays this year, and I'm delighted to celebrate them.

10. Relevant Radio marks its 25th Anniversary this year.  I'm eager to celebrate and to continue listening to the great content on air.

11. Aware of how much of an impact my years at Julian Middle School had on me, I'm excited to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of my Julian 8th grade Graduation.  It is truly a God-incidence that this special milestone anniversary is on Pentecost Sunday 2025.  It speaks to how the Holy Spirit was doing a great work in me throughout middle school to shape my faith and make me the person I am today.

12. On a similar note, I'm also excited to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of my Confirmation this year.  Besides my own personally-oriented celebrations, I look forward to the ways my Confirmation will continue to be a living experience as I share it with others, particularly my RE students and those in my Confirmation mentor group as I accompany them to their own Confirmation in the springtime.  Ascension's Confirmation Masses are scheduled on my birthday weekend.  

I hope these two important anniversaries of my Julian graduation and my Confirmation will renew me in what they mean to me and continue to impact me for fulfilling my purpose in life.

As I head into 2025, I say, "Come, Holy Spirit, Come!" Veni Creator Spiritus!