Saturday, October 15, 2016

Celebrating Today, and for Throughout 11 Years

In great joy, I recall the day 11 years ago today when I stood before Bishop Francis Kane at the altar of Ascension Church, underneath the dome, and was sealed by sacred oil in the Holy Spirit, thereby becoming a Confirmed Roman Catholic Christian.

I felt a rush in me as I stepped away from Bishop Kane to return to my seat, accompanied by my Uncle Bernie, my Confirmation sponsor.  Part of me really wasn't sure what to make of this moment, but I knew within me it was something big.  And I certainly acknowledge that now that I look back upon the journey I have taken over these past 11 years.  In fact, this day, October 15, the anniversary of my Confirmation, has become as celebratory a day as my own birthday.

Every year, I look to do something, large or small, to celebrate.  Today, I celebrated in flashy style by accompanying a group of middle schoolers at Ascension Parish to the Holy Fire youth gathering at the UIC Pavilion, sponsored in part by the Archdiocese of Chicago.

I couldn't think of a more fitting way to celebrate, because it speaks to the most important part of my Confirmation experience, namely, in living out the faith that was confirmed that day.  Only in being lived out does it take on its meaning.

Faith took on a whole new kind of meaning while participating in the ministry of St. Teresa of Avila Roman Catholic Student Center at Valparaiso University.  (Notably, October 15, is the Feast Day of St. Teresa of Avila.)  My faith was made powerfully anew during my college years, and upon graduating, I was riding a wave of a vibrant spiritual life.  I decided to channel it by being present to young people coming to own faith for themselves, and inspiring them in these ways, through teaching Religious Education class, now for my fourth consecutive year.

That's how I've gotten involved in youth ministry-related matters, and was invited to accompany the group to Holy Fire today.  A good deal of the first part was very much a rock concert-type event, with loud music to get the young people pumped up.  But it started to give way to a message of empowerment, as the speakers, ranging to Cardinal-designate Blase Cupich, who offered remarks as his first public act following the big announcement, to the speaker Katie Prejean McGrady, who spoke on Jesus's invitation to us, based on the story in John 1 when two disciples of John the Baptist suddenly follow Jesus after hearing John's declaration, "Behold the Lamb of God".  In an exchange with Jesus, He tells them, "Come and see."  That carried over from the message conveyed by the musical group Ike Ndolo, who encouraged us with the message that God cares deeply about us as our Father, and created us specially in His image, a moment that made me rather emotional.  Katie's message about Jesus's words "Come and see" was an invitation for us to seek after Jesus, to enter deeply into His presence, because He has come to be so close to us.  That message carried over powerfully into a time of Eucharistic adoration, and then a celebration of Mass.

This event was designed to empower these young people to live out their faith in life at large.  And the idea was emphasized that they're not just the future of the Church, but a vital part of the Church now, and there's so much they can do to be involved.  And it's exciting for me to be part of that by passing on this great gift of faith handed on to me, especially in the experience of Confirmation, and inspire the next generation to step up now and take their place, because they are valued by God.

I'm truly grateful I can have these experiences like this gathering and teaching class week after week, so I can make meaning of my Confirmation.  These are the times that make my Confirmation truly a celebration.

It was in that spirit that I returned to Ascension Church this evening for Mass, at the very hour 11 years ago when I had my Confirmation, sitting in the same pew, under the window of St. Teresa of Avila, and sharing my joy.  It was an experience that left an indelible impression on me, so that certain details are frozen in my mind, like the pew where I sat, and the approximate time (6 PM), when I stood before Bishop Kane for the conferring of the sacrament--kind of like when Katie pointed out John mentioned the time the disciples had that exchange with Jesus in the story in John 1.  That moment truly sent me forth for some awesome things.  I may have not been able to imagine all that would happen in these 11 years as I sat in Church on Saturday, October 15, 2005, but the Spirit of God has certainly guided me on an amazing adventure in that time.  And I take joy that He abides with me always, with more to come.

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