Grape #1: Later this month, I am scheduled to attending World Youth Day in Panama City, Panama. I'm looking forward to being part of this large gathering of the Church and engaging with faith in a whole new way.
Grape #2: The Illinois Bicentennial celebration in 2018 got me excited about all that Illinois has to offer, and I look forward to taking more small road trips throughout Illinois to continue sightseeing and celebrating, now that Illinois has attained 200 years of statehood.
Grape #3: I'm looking forward to tuning in to PBS to see what happens in Victoria Season 3.
Grape #4: There are local elections coming up, and I'm eager to participate in the discussions in the campaign process leading to those elections.
Grape #5: I'm excited to participate in more Chicago Architecture Center tours, as a means of continuing to enjoy my CAC membership.
Grape #6: I plan to enjoy more audiobooks during my commutes to work--and perhaps even on some of those road trips.
Grape #7: Disney is coming up with live-action versions of some of its well-known movies, and I look forward to seeing how they are received, especially given how many views the trailer for The Lion King got within the first day of being released.
Grape #8: There are some anniversaries coming up this year. This May will mark 20 years since my first communion. May will also be 150 years since the Golden Spike was driven that completed the Transcontinental Railroad. It is an occasion that I'm thinking will allow me to engage my enamorment for trains in a whole new way. July will bring the 50th Anniversary of the first moon landing.
Grape #9: I'm scheduled for a trip to Washington, D.C., in May with Mom, and I look forward to the experiences of both being there and also getting there, in Amtrak sleeper class.
Grape #10: Among my family, friends, and colleagues, I know many who have made significant professional moves in 2018, and I look forward to following their next steps in 2019.
Grape #11: I'm anticipating the opportunities I'll have to participate in service and social activities of the Knights of Columbus, as well as any other opportunities for service, particularly in the faith-based context.
Grape #12: As a librarian, I know how important it is to keep learning, and I'll be seeking new things to learn in 2019. I say this especially in the context of what I'll learn about faith as I engage with it. I had some great experience with Real Life Catholic and Dynamic Catholic offerings, and I look forward to seeing what else they offer this year. And in accordance with the adage, "The best way to learn something is to teach it", I am particularly enthused to engage with faith by continuing the glorious work of handing on the faith to the next generation, particularly my RE students.
I now commend this year of 2019 to the grace of God, as I get ready for what I anticipate, and open myself to all else that will arise in the course of the year.
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