Friday, January 1, 2021

Grapes of Anticipation 2021

Happy New Year's Greetings 2021!

Here we are, once again at New Year's Day.  The sense of "new" generally gives us a sense of optimism about the possibilities ahead, which surely happened on January 1, 2020, even if this time around is motivated largely by a desire to be past the pandemic and its limitations.

Yet, like I reflected on 2020, I am eager during 2021 to embrace more deeply the most important parts of life.

And so I reflect on what I anticipate about 2021 according to the Spanish custom of consuming 12 grapes upon the changing of the year as a way to address some of the major points of note.

Grape #1- Relevant Radio programming: 2020 brought some great new offerings on air, and I look forward to tuning in for more.

Grape #2- family and friends: I look forward to celebrating more milestone birthdays in my family, for my Grandma Dottie and myself, as well as the 5th wedding anniversary of Eric and Naomi.  I also look forward to some milestone birthdays among my friends, and to continue building all these relationships among family and friends, which add a special touch to life.

Grape #3- municipal elections: There are municipal elections in April in Cook County, and I look forward to participating in the process and seeing what emerges.

Grape #4- the 5th anniversary of my MLIS degree: I am eager to celebrate this occasion and use it as a time to reflect on how my vocational journey in this work is unfolding.

Grape #5- 25th anniversary of starting Kindergarten: In September, I'll have the chance to reflect back on the earliest part of my education.

Grape #6- Amtrak's 50th Anniversary: Riding across the conterminous United States by Amtrak is something so meaningful for me, and so I'm excited to mark Amtrak's milestone on May 1, and to go on an Amtrak trip, too, at some point this year.

Grape #7- Missouri's Bicentennial: I'm eager to mark this milestone occasion for the state next door on August 10, the last in a string of state bicentennials that have happened over the past decade, and to take stock of what Missouri contributes to the USA.

Grape #8- 70th anniversary of I Love Lucy's debut: In a recent conversation with Grandma Dottie, I was reminded that 2021 marks 70 years since the October 15, 1951, debut of I Love Lucy.  I hope to get lots of laughs out of the occasion.

Grape #9- leadership transitions: I shall be watching to see how various leadership transitions unfold.  For example, Jose Padilla will start as Valparaiso University's next president in 2021, and Dominican University's President Donna Carroll is set to retire with a new president on the way.

Grape #10- the Year of St. Joseph: Pope Francis proclaimed the Year of St. Joseph from December 8, 2020, until December 8, 2021. I hope to go deeper in faith as I, through various means, ponder St. Joseph and what his example offers us.

Grape #11- reading: I certainly have an ample number of books I want to read.  I look forward especially to more biographies and memoirs, even as I continue reading Witness to Hope, which is timely as 2021 marks 75 years since the priestly ordination of Pope St. John Paul II.

Grape #12- upcoming Confirmations: I am excited to celebrate this important experience for yet another group of my RE students on February 6, and to be part of all that leads to that day and accompanying them in what emerges from it, even as I reconnect and build up what I experienced in Confirmation.

I now commend this year 2021 to the God Who is Alpha and Omega, holding all time in His hands.  He is the One Who stepped into time in the Incarnation, so we may live with purpose.  I pray He enlightens the way as we start filling up this blank slate of 2021, as we use our days to connect with what's most important in life, and know the blessings of the gifts He has already given us.

We remain ever connected in relationships that are at the heart of life: All my relations.

Glory to God in the Highest, and on Earth, peace and goodwill to all people.

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