Tuesday, July 6, 2021

George W. Bush at 75

George W. Bush was born 75 years ago today, July 6, 1946, in New Haven, CT.

Nearly 55 years later, on January 20, 2001, he was inaugurated the 43rd President of the United States.  I was in 4th grade.  I wasn't at school that day, since it was a Saturday, and I remember being at home watching the inauguration ceremony, the first time I can recall watching a presidential inauguration.

Over the course of the next 8 years, my sociopolitical awareness increased.  George W. Bush stands out most in my mind because he was President during noteworthy years of my coming of age, and my perspectives on the world around me were shaped in significant ways by the events of his presidency.

While I was observing the unfolding of the 2000 presidential election campaign, for some reason, I had a better feeling when I considered George W. Bush, versus Al Gore, although I can't really explain why.

One admirable quality of George W. Bush is that he is a gracious person.  I feel that is reflected in his leadership style.  It was rooted in a commitment to faith, and throughout his time in public office, he sought to engage faith-based initiatives.  His deep sense of faith resonated deeply with me as I came to embrace faith more deeply during the years he was president.  In fact, my Confirmation happened in 2005 at the midpoint of his administration.  I felt his leadership qualities were something to emulate as I sought to live out my Confirmed faith, and that was the motivation behind my choice of the Confirmation name George.

I enjoyed reading his memoir, Decision Points.  I was intrigued by his approach, to address significant decisions he faced.  Even though he focused on select areas of his life and presidency, he still covered a significant amount of ground.  Having lived through the events of his presidency while coming of age, it was intriguing to read about his thought process in situations like September 11, the War on Terror, embryonic stem cell research, and the 2008 financial crisis.  Indeed, reading the book helped me see him as someone thoughtful.

One other George W. Bush-related memory I have is visiting the White House just days before Nativity Day 2004, and seeing all the decorations.  They reflected their personal touch, especially as they involved their pets, Barney and India.

Happy 75-year Birthday, George W. Bush!  Thank you for the gracious ways you have served and edified the United States of America.

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