Monday, December 2, 2024

New Understanding of Sacraments

This evening 20 years ago, I attended the first of a series of monthly Confirmation preparation meetings.

It was the first opportunity we had to assemble in our small groups and meet our mentors.  My group had Mrs. Shinners and Mrs. Bakker as our mentors.

As would be different from the others, we met inside Ascension Church to focus more on our topic, the sacraments.

We were handed a quiz to see what we know about sacraments, and I had rather limited knowledge.  This meeting helped set that straight.  By the time I left, I had a very clear understanding of the 7 sacraments of the church.

It was fitting that the first meeting would have this topic.  As I reflect back 20 years later, I have come, through learning, to even greater understanding of the sacraments. They are encounters with God by which He infuses us with His grace.  Drawing us to Himself, we are brought alive to live with purpose, as I would come to experience myself when I was confirmed.

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