Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A Tribute to my Great Aunt Carmen

So my parents and Abuela just got back a few days ago from a fabulous trip to Hawaii.  This trip was planned as a celebration of my Great Aunt Carmen's 80th Birthday, for her, her sister, and their children and spouses.  As part of the third generation down, I was not invited.  But I have no hard feelings, because this guy was left behind for my brother and me to take care of for the whole week:
And I sure had a great time giving him belly rubs all week.  So while not the subject of this post, I just have to put in a plug for Buddy the dog, because somehow, life comes back to a dog.

However, I still sense the delight that everyone experienced during this trip.  I feel it radiating from my parents and Abuela as they recount their time in Kauai.

And I rejoice greatly in the celebration of Aunt Carmen's birthday.  Upon this occasion, I here offer tribute to this wonderful woman.

She stands out for being a kind, loving individual.  She constantly offers her love to those in her family, even to me and all others in the Rubio family in Chicago.  On special occasions in my life, she has sent me notes and gifts, for graduations, and even an affirmation letter when I went on the Kairos Retreat my freshman year of college.  Her kindness and love are extensive. 

She is also a fun-going person.  Her motto is “Party, party, party,” and that really speaks to her ability to keep a light-hearted, jolly atmosphere going.

She has such a pleasant personality, and that makes it particularly pleasurable being around her.  I enjoy every moment I visit with her, especially when she’s with her sister, my Abuela Velia.  I delight in seeing them together because they are like best friends, constantly talking over the phone, going back and forth across a 1000-mile distance to visit each other, going out and about doing things.
I have enjoyed visiting with her when she has come to Chicago.  And I have such wonderful, fond memories of visiting her when I have been in Denver on three different occasions in my life.

My best memory of her was during the most recent time my family and I stayed at her home, which was back in August 2008, towards the end of our family vacation week in Colorado.  We spent a couple of days with her at her home on Greenwood Boulevard in that fabulous city of Denver, CO.  I was really excited about this part of our vacation, having the opportunity to visit with her, and all my other relatives in the Denver area, who make for such a lively bunch to hand out with.

Indeed, my excitement was bubbling the whole way from Pagosa Springs to Denver.  It started growing even more so as we moved into the Denver Metro Area, turn by turn from the Interstates onto the main roads.  It kept growing larger as we neared her house.  And then it all surged forth as we made the turn onto Greenwood and pulled into her driveway.

Throughout the couple of days, she graciously bestowed her abounding hospitality on us, as she did the previous two times, making us feel so welcome in her home.  She made us a great meal the day we arrived: enchiladas made with ground turkey and flour tortillas.  And she treated us to breakfast and dinner the next day.  We passed the time having many good conversations with her.  Indeed, she made us feel so welcome and comfortable for our stay.

I have that image of her beautiful person in her home emblazoned in my mind as something so magnificent.  I look forward to the next time I go out to visit her, in her home with the backdrop of the semi-rugged landscape on the edge of the Rocky Mountains, in that crisp Colorado air.

Yes, she is such a wonderful, gracious woman.  I am so glad God placed her in my life.  And so I truly celebrate on this occasion.

So while I was not present for the celebration of Aunt Carmen's birthday with the whole group last week, I was still rejoicing greatly, especially as I went to Daily Mass that morning to give thanks to God for her and her presence in my life.

Happy Birthday Aunt Carmen!  God Bless for many more years to come.
(This picture, credit to my Dad, was taken during that most recent and memorable stay I had at Aunt Carmen's house.)

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