Saturday, February 18, 2017

The Big 60 for Governor Bruce Rauner

Today Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner reaches a milestone on his birthday as he turns 60.

Like many, I didn't know much about him until he expressed his intention to run for the Illinois governorship back in 2013.  He cast himself as a businessman with no political connections who would take charge in getting Illinois's government back on solid footing and putting the whole state back in better shape.  It reminds me in many ways of the rise of Donald Trump as President of the United States.

It was a pleasure meeting him when he attended an event in River Forest shortly before his victorious election in November 2014.  I was able to shake hands with him, and engage with him in a very brief exchange before he gave some spirited remarks, typical of politicians' talking points.

I see him as a tough, resilient person, especially in the way he speaks, and also in the leadership he provides for the Illinois government, and taking a hard stance, particularly in the budget stalemate against the Illinois Democratic leadership.

The biography on the official website of the Governor of Illinois notes some interesting details about Bruce Rauner, in how he started in humble beginnings and became very successful, as well as his penchant for humble trappings and outdoor activities.  (Notably this biographical profile also appears on the Bruce Rauner website, with much of the same content.)

So here's to you, Bruce Rauner on your birthday, with best wishes for the years to come.

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