Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Post-College: 8 Years

The circle of life has once again brought me back to the anniversary of my graduation from Valparaiso University, a truly significant celebration in my life, and the inspiration for launching this blog.

Now at 8 years later, I still find myself going back to the significant days I spent on the fields of Valparaiso, which makes it only fitting that I return to reflecting on the occasion with this annual Post-College blog post.  Over the past months, I've thought about my time there in a whole new way with the change in leadership at the university.

President Heckler announced his decision to retire just before the 2019-2020 academic year began.  The 2020-2021 acdaemic year began with Collette Irwin-Knott at the helm as the new interim president.  The university selected Jose Padilla as its next president toward the end of 2020, and he started on March 1.

I was greatly impressed with the video message he offered toward the end of 2020.  He brings great passion to his new position, and a commitment to upholding the values of the university, with a dose of humility that he would be selected to be at the helm of a university with such a storied past and such values.  Notably, he is the first Roman Catholic president in the university's history.  As an aside, I was talking with some friends over a year ago about the presidential search process, and someone threw out the idea that I should become the next president.  I remarked that I could consider it if the university was ready for a non-Lutheran to serve in that position.  And now it's happened.

President Padilla's sense of passion and engagement was also clearly evident in a video about his first day as president.  It showed how he went to meet with various people in the campus community to get to know them.

I look forward to seeing how President Padillas continues to engage his energy, drive, and passion.

It's been nice to follow what's happening at ValpU.  One great opportunity I had to reconnect was last January when the meteorology department held a virtual gathering with alumni and current students, timed to coincide with the Annual American Meteorological Society's Meeting.  I enjoyed seeing a few alumni I knew from my time there, and alumni who graduated after my time, trading stories about memories of good times.  It was also great to see the professors, too.

I was fully aware 8 years ago that my graduation capped an extraordinary experience of my life, whose implications would continue to unfold in the years ahead.

As I've said before, one of the biggest implications has been my service to the Ascension Parish community as a Religious Education catechist.  Abounding zeal for faith was a major take-away from my time at ValpU, and I continue to channel that zeal as I participate in handing on the sacred gift of faith to my students.  A few days ago, I had a conversation with an incoming staff person at Ascension, and as we talked about Religious Education, I mentioned how my time in college set me decisively on the path of a practicing Roman Catholic, with great passion.

Clearly, I received and gained much during my college years, and I've found great meaning in life by drawing from all of it to give to others.  So that's why this day, I have so much reason to celebrate, and every other day I continue to put into action the experiences of my time at ValpU.

My graduation coincided, providentially, with Pentecost Sunday 8 years ago.  In just a few days, we'll celebrate Pentecost.  And with the celebration of these occasions at hand, I marvel at how God has been at work in my life, including through the richness of my time at ValpU, and how He shall continue to be on the move as I live out the values of the ValpU community, living with passion as God has enlightened me, so others will be blessed and edified.

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