Sunday, May 30, 2021

30 for 30 Years in Faith

In reflecting on my 30-year birthday back in March, I wrote a list of 30 experiences in my life thus far.

To follow up on that post, keeping in mind the recent 30th anniversary of my baptism, I here now share a list of 30 experiences related to faith in my 30 years of life as a baptized Roman Catholic.  This list is not necessarily exhaustive, but covers much ground in highlighting a variety of experiences, including finer details within larger events.

1. Spending a week of service at St. Augustine
2. Participating in a Sweat Lodge ceremony in Rosalie, NE, during the week of service in St. Augustine
3. Attending Mass for the first time outside the United States at the Holy Rosary Cathedral in Vancouver
4. the Kairos Retreat with St. Teresa's
5. the Wilderness Retreat with St. Teresa's
6. Attending the Vicariate IV Welcome Mass with Cardinal Cupich in February 2015
7. Attending Father Ted Mauch's Ordination Mass
8. Attending the 2011 Diaconal Ordination Mass for the Diocese of Gary
9. Watching live the introduction of Pope Francis to the world on March 13, 2013
10. Watching live much of the coverage of Pope Francis's 2015 visit to the US, including his joint address to Congress and the Concluding Mass for the World Meeting of Families
11. Joining the Knights of Columbus on August 7, 2018
12. Signing up for the Adopt-a-Student program at St. Teresa's
13. Attending Archbishop Cupich's Pallium Mass on August 23, 2015
14. Attending a joint Roman Catholic-Lutheran prayer service for the 500th Anniversary of the 95 Theses on October 31, 2017
15. Attending a panel discussion with Bishop Harrison, Cardinal Cupich, and Dr. Ryken for the 500th Anniversary of the 95 Theses at Concordia University Chicago on October 30, 2017
16. Attending the Centennial Mass for Ascension Parish on Ascension Sunday, May 20, 2007
17. Joining the Ascension Parish Confirmation Class of 2014 for a Holy Spirit Scavenger Hunt at Brookfield Zoo
18. Attending a talk by Father Thomas Loya about the Eastern Catholic Churches
19. Watching live the Beatification Mass for Blessed Father Michael McGivney
20. Contributing some thoughts to an article in The Wednesday Journal about Father Larry McNally's service as Ascension Pastor
21. Seeing Pope Francis up close, from about 15-20 feet away, during his drives by the crowd assembled at Metro Park in Panama City while attending World Youth Day 2019
22. Attending Stations of the Cross at World Youth Day 2019
23. Attending the World Youth Day 2019 Concluding Mass celebrated by Pope Francis
24. Attending Mass at the Tocumen International Airport Chapel after attending World Youth Day 2019, a Mass celebrated and prayed in multiple languages
25. Attending an incredible and enlightening talk on Theology of the Body with Sister Helena Burns as a presenter at a mini-conference at Dominican University
26. Meeting Bishop Dale Melczek, then of the Diocese of Gary, the first time meeting a US bishop from outside the United States, after a Confirmation Mass at St. Teresa's on October 15, 2010
27. Attending the dedication of the Ministry Life Center at St. Teresa's, with Mass celebrated by then-Gary Bishop Melczek
28. Joining the Missionary Benedictine Sisters at Immaculata Monastery for vespers, followed by a reunion with Sister Agnes
29. Attending the 25th Anniversary Celebration Mass of St. Martin de Porres Parish on the West Side of Chicago, with Cardinal George as celebrant, and my first time attending Mass at Ascension's sharing parish
30. Attending Father Kevin's Silver Jubilee Celebration Weekend, with Mass and reception that followed

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