Saturday, September 28, 2024

Dear 1036: After School Snacks, Special Visitors, and Family Gestures

Dearly Beloved 1036 Clarence,

I'm no longer in school as a student.  For the past 11 years, I've been in the teacher role. So being in contact enough with the school routine reminds me of what I enjoyed as a student.

It was nice to come back home to you, and enjoy an after-school snack. One of my favorites was soft pretzels from Market Day, the fundraiser at school. It was easily heated in the microwave from frozen state and then given a nice touch sprinkled with salt.

Another food I enjoyed from Market Day was Vienna Beef bagel dogs, sprinkled with lots of poppy seeds.

We had nice connections over meals with good food.

The end of September reminds me of when I first met Dan and Ann Ruggaber, which was 15 years ago.  During the summer after I graduated, on Saturday, August 10, 2013, they came to visit my family and me in Oak Park.  All 6 of us had a nice dinner together after an afternoon of sightseeing in Oak Park, including a tour of the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio, followed by Mass.

I also remember watching the World Meeting of Families Concluding Mass in the TV in the backroom on Sunday, September 27, 2015.  Pope Francis spoke about how the little gestures bring alive God's presence in our family life.

With these memories and others gladdening me in the glow of God's presence, I declare that you shall not fade into the background but shall ever remain deep in my heart.

We shall remain ever connected:
All my relations.

God's blessings,

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