Friday, January 24, 2014

For What it Really is...

This week, thousands of pro-life people gathered to stand for life on the anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision that unleashed the murder of unborn babies via abortion, estimated currently to be at 56 million.  At the same time, pro-abortion advocates were celebrating the achievements made in advancing women's health rights.  One such gathering locally was an event to benefit Planned Parenthood at the Bottom Lounge restaurant on Chicago's Near West Side.

And Pro-Life Action League protesters were out to take a stand for life, right at the location of this Planned Parenthood celebration, on the evening of Thursday, January 23, including me.

But this was more than just a protest of Planned Parenthood, which makes big money exploiting women by aborting their pregnancies.  One of the special guests at this event was Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), who was given an award from Planned Parenthood for supporting women's healthcare.  And he used to be pro-life.  So that added to the meaning of this protest.  We braved cold and the uneasiness of the restaurant employees and owners who sought to move us away from the building, even though we were legitimately in our right to stand on public sidewalk.  It's hard to say if we caught much attention as the attendees walked in the restaurant.  Many of them seemed to ignore our signs.  And it appears that Senator Durbin was taken in through a side door.  One woman came outside a couple of times to get pictures, which makes me wonder how they'll be used in recapping their event.

It sure was cold out that evening, but it was only fitting to take this stand for people murdered in cold blood under the guise of women's healthcare rights.  In some ways, I feel sorry for people who think that abortion is perfectly acceptable.  The truth about those unborn human lives is distorted to their purposes, and it's almost as if they're incapable of seeing abortion for what it really is.  It brings me face to face with the fallen state of humanity, even as it is manifested within myself.  But I know that God has restored me to righteousness in Jesus Christ, and in that I take my stand, even standing out in single digits for an hour.  God is for my life, and so I am for life, too.

P.S. Going back to the event I attended on Sunday, Pro-Life Action League posted a nice summary of the March for Life Chicago on its website.  Check it out.  And thanks to my brother Eric for linking my post of my experience at the March to a post on his blog.

As of the writing of this post, there was nothing posted on PLAL's website recapping yesterday's protest, but I imagine something will be going up soon, so please feel free to keep an eye on its website in the coming days.

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